
Encyclopedia of canine clinical nutrition


Encyclopedia of canine clinical nutrition.

Autores: Pascale Pibot, Vincent Biourge & Denise Elliott

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“Let food be thy medicine” Hippocrates (460-377 BC)

Since its establishment in 1968 by the veterinarian Jean Cathary, true to its values of “Knowledge and Respect”, Royal Canin has shared a common goal with the veterinary community: improving the health and the longevity of dogs and cats worldwide.

The Royal Canin Center for Research and Development has developed innovative nutritional programs dedicated exclusively to veterinarians, based on a two-pronged preventive and curative approach.

With this expanded approach to health, Royal Canin has built the foundations of a solid partnership with veterinarians. The aim is to contribute to the development of their activities rather than trying to eclipse them in favor of other players in the nutrition market.

In the pursuit of this shared goal – improving the health of dogs and cats – the number one priority is to enhance the status of the veterinarian profession by:

  • Sharing scientific knowledge acquired through practical experience
  • Bringing innovation firmly anchored in scientific fact and characterized by measured clinical efficacy
  • Creating specific and unique tools and services

Essentially, strengthening the veterinarian’s advisory role in nutrition through the quality and exclusivity of products and giving a new meaning to the prescription of food through a variety of services offered to veterinarians.

The field of nutrition prescribed by the veterinarian to support the treatment – known as clinical nutrition – or to help prevent disease is the common ground on which the veterinarian profession and Royal Canin meet every day.

Our ambition with this encyclopedia was to draw together the latest advancements in Canine Clinical Nutrition in a single publication, from the perspective of clinicians and nutritionists – something that has never before been done.

This new publication is another in the long list of communication tools produced by Royal Canin for veterinarians around the globe. A list that includes the encyclopedias of dogs and of cats, Focus magazine and the special editions of Focus, as well as the Scientific Meetings.

More than ever, this Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition, produced in association with eminent experts from the world of veterinary medicine, has been driven by the desire to share the knowledge that Royal Canin has acquired since its establishment.

Nutrition always has an impact on the clinical expression of some pathologies and to achieve its clinical and educational objectives this Encyclopedia offers a panorama that is both broad and deep, brought to life in full-color illustrations.

Produced under the supervision of the Royal Canin Center for Research and Development, this Encyclopedia of Canine Clinical Nutrition was conceived in the spirit of collaboration with our scientific partners.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those whose high-quality and precise work has enabled the production of this Encyclopedia.

Alain Guillemin | Chief Executive Officer

  • 1. Obesity: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Management of the Obese Dog
  • 2. Nutritional Dermatoses and the Contribution of Dietetics in Dermatology
  • 3. The Most Common Digestive Diseases: The Role of Nutrition
  • 4. Nutrition of Dogs with Liver Disease
  • 5. The Role of Nutrition in the Pathogenesis and the Management of Exocrine Pancreatic Disorders
  • 6. Diabetes Mellitus: Nutritional Strategies
  • 7. Canine Hyperlipidemia: Causes and Nutritional Management
  • 8. Chronic Renal Disease: The Importance of Nutrition
  • 9. Nutritional Management of Canine Urolithiasis
  • 10. Cardiovascular Diseases: Nutritional Modulation
  • 11. Main Nutritional Imbalances in Osteoarticular Diseases
  • 12. Canine Nutrition and Oral Health
  • 13. Nutritional Status of Dogs with Cancer: Dietetic Evaluation and Recommendations
  • 14. Critical Care Nutrition of Dogs
  • 15. The Social Role of Food and Behavioral Pathologies in the Dog
  • 16. Integration of Nutrition into Clinical Practice


Autores: Pascale Pibot, Vincent Biourge & Denise Elliott

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 30 × 22 × 4 cm

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